URGENT ACTION ALERT — CALL TODAY: Stop Mitch McConnell from Filling Supreme Court Vacancy and Taking Away the People’s Voice

Less than 24 hours after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced a rushed campaign to fill her seat. When it was President Obama’s turn to fill a Supreme Court seat in an election year, McConnell insisted on waiting until the next president took office, allowing the Senate to “give the people a voice in the filling of this vacancy.” That seat remained vacant until after Trump’s election. Now that the situation is reversed, McConnell, hypocritically, has no problem taking away the people’s voice in the filling of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s vacancy.
It is URGENT for the future of working people and Labor that we STOP McConnell from forcing a 6/3 conservative majority on the nation’s highest court. This seat will reshape the Court, labor laws, and our nation for decades to come.
Call your U.S. Senators TODAY: (202) 224-3121
Share this action alert with friends and family, especially those who live in Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, South Carolina, Tennessee and Maine.
Sample Script: “This is (name) from (city, state). Four years ago, Senate Republicans stopped Obama from filling a Supreme Court seat in an election year. It would be wrong to now rush to fill the seat within weeks of the election. The people should have a voice in filling this vacancy. Voters will not forget this hypocrisy in future elections. Show your constituents the respect we deserve. Allow us the November 3 election, so we can choose the President who will make this nomination that will shape our future for decades to come. My phone number is (number). Thank you.”
[Remember: Forward this to your friends in Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, South Carolina, Tennessee and Maine!]