by admin | Nov 20, 2010 | Featured, November 2010 Dispatcher, Political Action
ILWU members in the Bay Area put a tremendous volunteer effort into the campaign of Oakland City Councilwoman Jean Quan who ran for Mayor of Oakland on November 2nd. ILWU members phone banked, walked precincts, put up yard signs, did data entry for the cam- paign, and...
by admin | Nov 16, 2010 | November 2010 Dispatcher, Political Action
Former ILWU International President, David Arian, was appointed to the LA Harbor Commission on September 27th by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Arian will fill the vacancy created when former International Vice President Joe Radisich stepped down earlier in September. In...
by admin | Nov 15, 2010 | Featured, November 2010 Dispatcher, Political Action
A potentially devastating piece of legislation that could lower wages for longshore workers was introduced in Congress shortly before the election recess. The legislation, co-authored by Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.), chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and...
by admin | Nov 14, 2010 | November 2010 Dispatcher
Benefits specialist, John M. Castanho, answers some of the most commonly asked questions about our health and pension benefits: When a person begins working as a Longshoreman, at what point do they qualify for health benefits? Per the 2008 Memorandum of Understanding,...
by admin | Nov 7, 2010 | Fighting for Good Jobs, October 2010 Dispatcher
Union members, retirees and community supporters in three cities participated in a national day of action on Oct. 6th in solidarity with Rite Aid workers fighting for a contract in Lancaster, CA. The activists targeted three of Rite Aid’s Board members in in...