Safe landing for ferry workers: A long but successful contract campaign was celebrated on July 18 by members of the Inlandboatmen’s Union and their friends at the Golden Gate Bridge with a victory lunch attended by ILWU International Vice-President Ray Familathe (3rd from left).
A final contract deal was reached in the early morning hours of July 18 for 42 Golden Gate Ferry District workers who belong to the Inlandboatmen’s Union (IBU), the ILWU’s Marine Division.
General terms for the agreement were won two months ago when a coalition of 14 unions settled on contract terms for 296 District workers following a strike on May Day. The final settlement for IBU workers came after a second strike and a marathon final negotiating session that included International Vice President Ray Familathe.
In addition to securing a 6% wage increase over the 3-year agreement, there will be an additional $1 an hour increase for 7 Terminal Assistants, guaranteed break rooms or “fo’c’sles,” and rules governing the use of new surveillance cameras on the ferries.
“It took two strikes and a long campaign to get this contract finished, but our unity and action made the difference,” said IBU Regional Director Marina Secchitano. International Vice President Ray Familathe congratulated the ferry workers for their hard-fought victory: “These IBU members stood tough during very difficult times for public-sector employees, showing that’s it’s still possible to make progress – even when the deck is stacked against us.”