Coalition of Granduate Employees AFT AFL-CIO, Local 6069 Pictured Frnt L-R: Angela McClendon, Larry Metzger, Ashley Bromley; Back L-R: Dennis Dugan, Jack Day, John Osborne, Rob Hess
Dear Editor,
When he was running for office, President Obama said that he’d be willing to put on a comfortable pair of shoes and walk a picket line if working families needed his help. I think it’s pretty clear that we need his help now with all the antiunion attacks in Wisconsin and around the country.
All of us should send President Obama an old pair of shoes to remind him of his promise. If a pile of shoes showed up at the White House, it would help make the point that promises need to be kept – especially when it involves something as important as standing with working men and women and their unions.
I noticed that people in Egypt took their shoes off to show their disgust when President Mubarak refused to resign. The situation is different here, but the same rule applies. Politicians who don’t keep their promises don’t deserve our respect.
Larry Metzger (retired) Local 30
Corvallis, OR